Friday, August 3, 2012

Save the Date - Aug 17th

Aug 3 First Fridays 6-9pm at Village Studios & Gallery is a pre-show for “Introspect: A Self-Portrait”.
Artist Reception is AUG 17th 8pm to 12midnite and I'm excited! to be unveiling the first of a series
of over-sized paintings I am working on - Save the Date! You're Invited!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

just what is my business?

this is a hard question. i am sure that i can't be the only one suffering this question?? as an entrepreneur; as an artist; and this economy? with my varied talents in the computer industry that is forever changing... this is the challenge. i am constantly having to adjust, tweak, morph to re-envent myself. so i have re-directed my attention - my focus is now on producing my up-coming show set for August 3, 2012. SHOW TITLE Introspect: A Self-Portrait let progress begin.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Finding Your Business, Finding Yourself

Finding Your Business, Finding Yourself

thank you to lady t - I look forward to your blogtalkradio tomorrow and thanks to facebook and blogtalkradio for giving us a free networking forum to help each other grow.


weeks... months later...
I know, I am terrible for neglecting my own business - my business is suffering because I need to put me biz on the list of priority.

I am learning to value myself and to make me a priority.
good news, I am making some progress - baby steps in this department.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Epiphany - 'work' is not a 4 letter word anymore...

sometimes a Friday can feel like a Monday - especially after such a long holiday season, and getting back to business can be a major task but you know, it really doesn't have to be.

with the advent of the internet, WORK is no longer a 4 LETTER word - - - 
so NETWORK baby!

I enjoy my work and I think this is a major key to happiness 

food for thought: 
if you don't like your job and you feel like it is sucking the life out of you, it is up to you and only you to change it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Connecting the Dots...

I am learning that a key element in the success of today's business world is networking
I believe that the social medias too, play a key role.

More on this subject to follow in the coming weeks.